The Walk a Mile in a Refugee's Shoes event is an hour-long simulation created to inform participants of the experiences of displaced peoples in refugee camps all over the world in the first person narrative. Each attendee receives information regarding the details of a refugee's life and is expected to "walk a mile" (figuratively speaking) in the role of that refugee as they pass through stations of the vetting and resettlement process. Ultimately, the goal is to illustrate the hopes, challenges, dreams, and disappointments that thousands of refugees experience on a daily basis for years on end.
An AfternoonWith Our Refugee Neighbors is a two hour panel which will be held a the Jewish Community Center (JCC). Prior to the event, the community will be able to learn more from a panel of our neighbors who were once resettled as refugees from countries all over the world to the U.S., where they now call Indianapolis home. This will be an intimate time to hear stories, exchange questions, and prepare our hearts for the experience of the Walk a Mile in a Refugee's Shoes event itself.
Many eventually arrive here in Indianapolis to begin a new season of safety and stability in life, and their strength and resilience is a source of fresh hope for their newfound home community. Although many of us cannot relate to their experiences directly, Walk a Mile (WAM) is that firm initial step towards making Indianapolis a safe heaven where our refugee neighbors are warmly respected, welcomed, and understood.
Register today and join us for this deeply meaningful experience that is sure to transform the way you see and connect with your neighbors both here in Indianapolis and around the world.
For a visual representation of the Walk a Mile event that COIN hosted with the Jewish Community Center (JCC) of Indianapolis in the Summer of 2017, please refer to the video embedded below.
Preparing such an impactful event requires a lot of work behind the scenes. Currently, we are looking for volunteers, sponsors, and donations to make this event successful. If you are interested in getting involved, please click fill out the contact form here.